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HTS Codes Classification

What Are HTS Codes?

Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) codes are the numerical sequence assigned to a specific product in the U.S. International Trade Commission’s database. They are the U.S. extension of the Harmonized Item Description and Coding System (HS), which identifies items by a 6-digit harmonized number cataloged in the World Customs Organization’s Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System. The first six digits of an HTS code are the HS code used globally, and the last four are U.S.-specific to further classify products and define duty rates. The various digits of the numbered code specify categories, product types, and use case or materials.


What Are HTS Codes Used For?

Harmonized Tariff Schedule codes are used in the U.S. to classify a product correctly. These classifications are often used in conjunction with country of origin certificates for calculating tariffs and customs duties, which are based on the specifics of a product.

Companies may collect country of origin certificates and HTS code data to maximize the use of free trade agreements and tariff exemptions, and avoid penalties. Tracking HTS codes also allows companies to adapt to tariff fee schedule changes, ensuring they can maintain market access and consistently cost raw materials. United States Customs and Border Protection staff review HTS codes and country of origin data during audits to determine fines issued for non-compliance.

If you import or export, your HTS Codes must be correctly assigned.​

Improper HTS code classification can result in fines and penalties imposed by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). At Qwantome we have a staff of licensed customs brokers that can help you classify correct HTS (Harmonized Tariff Schedule) codes for your products. We can classify your products from scratch, or provide a second set of eyes on your current HTS code classifications.

How can we help?
Whether your company has 5 unique products or 50,000 unique products, Qwantome will ensure that all of your HTS codes are properly classified. All we need is a listing of all the SKU’s to be classified along with access to your product literature and technical specifications. 


How much does this service cost?
We charge per SKU and provide volume discounts. The more products you need classified, the less your per SKU price.

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